
Are there multiple endings in Sons of the Forest? – Answered

Are there multiple endings in Sons of the Forest featured image

One of the many loved features from the original The Forest was its plot. It was a rather background aspect for the most part, only rearing its head in certain areas of the game. The story was intriguing however, and kept players going for the entire journey. The Forest‘s finale also gave a choice for the player to make, resulting in one of two endings. Fans playing Sons of the Forest are probably wondering if a similar ending is in the sequel. So, are there multiple endings in Sons of the Forest? Read on to find out.

Does Sons of the Forest have multiple endings?

There are indeed multiple endings in Sons of the Forest, much like its predecessor. I won’t dive too deep into spoilers for the endings. But if you’d rather not know anything and want to find them yourself, just know there are three endings: two of which are obtainable normally, and a secret ending that isn’t too difficult to get. The steps to unlock the secret ending will also be in this guide, so keep it bookmarked if you want to come back and learn how to achieve it.

With that spoiler warning out of the way, let’s go over the endings. At the end of the game you have two options: one of which is to leave with the helicopter that comes to save you, or for you to stay on the island. Sons of the Forest’s multiple endings may not seem obvious at first. During the segment, you need turn around to see the package on the ground, which is the option to stay on the island. The option to leave is the “good ending,” and the option to stay is the “bad ending.”

Sons Of The Forest Kelvin

Screenshot by PC Invasion

How to get the third, secret ending in Sons of the Forest

All you need to do to get the secret ending is to make sure your two companions, Kelvin and Virginia, are with you as you enter the golden door to access the end of the game. When you’re given the choice at the end of the game as usual, all you need to do then is board the helicopter, and it will bring your companions with you. 

Sons of the Forest is available on Steam.

Jack Salter
About The Author
Jack has been a Contributing Writer for PC Invasion since January 2023. He is an avid enjoyer of the medium of video games, particularly JRPGs and platformers, but mostly anything he thinks looks cool. When he's not talking about Trails, Xenoblade, Pokémon, or Zelda, he enjoys spending his time watching anime that usually involve either mechs, music, or anything with great emotional character writing, like Gundam, Love Live, and Kaguya-sama: Love is War. He also enjoys listening to music of most genres and types, and is always on the search for media that combines his love for music with other mediums and genres, like Symphogear. Jack is also trying (and failing) to finish his ever-growing backlog.