
Best weapons in Sons of the Forest

Sons Of The Forest Best Weapons Guide featured

Fighting and survival are two of the main aspects of Sons of the Forest. Doing that requires skills, dedication, commitment, and of course, good weapons. There are a lot of them in Sons of the Forest, so much so that it can be hard to work out which ones are the best to use. That’s why we’re here to help you with our Sons of the Forest: Best weapons guide.

The best melee and long-range weapons in Sons of the Forest

Melee weapons

Crafted Spear

We’re starting off this with a real basic weapon, but it’s one of the more reliable ones. The crafted spear is a weapon you can get as early as the first hour in Sons of the Forest, and is honestly still usable by the final hour. Its damage output isn’t anything fancy, but the distance it offers you over other melee weapons is hard to ignore and comes in handy more often than you’d think. Plus, you can also use it to fish.

Sons Of The Forest Crafted Spear

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Firefighter Axe

While we’re talking about melee weapons, the Firefighter Axe is one of the best weapons in Sons of the Forest, period. This axe is able to chop down regular enemies in two or three hits, making it almost a must-have weapon by the endgame. It’s also helpful in making chopping trees faster and more enjoyable. Since cutting down trees in Sons of the Forest is one of the most satisfying things to do in gaming, I think it’s worth mentioning.

You can get the Firefighter Axe by going to the Maintenance A hatch, which you’ll probably be going to eventually. If you’d like to know how to get into that hatch, you can check out our related guide on that matter. 

Sons Of The Forest Firefighter Axe

Screenshot by PC Invasion


The lightning-fast katana was one of the best weapons in The Forest, and it’s great in Sons of the Forest too. With the strength stat in Sons of the Forest however, you could argue it’s better in the new game. This weapon is a bit of a pain to find however, requiring you to go to the southeast of the map. But you can use our guide to help you out.

Sons Of The Forest Best Weapon Katana

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Ranged weapons


Onto the best ranged weapons in Sons of the Forest, the pistol is the “old reliable.” The pistol in Sons of the Forest is a surefire way to get a job done quickly. The reason it becomes one of the best weapons in the game, as opposed to being below average, is because you can upgrade it.

You can find various upgrades around the island for the weapon. If you fancy a stealthy approach, you can attach a silencer, or if you need another flashlight, you can add one. The adaptability makes the pistol stand out. You can find the pistol at one of the three objective markers at the beginning of the game. 

If all you care about is damage however, then the revolver is the better option. It has its downsides, such as only holding six rounds of ammo, but it’s worth it in the end. You can find the revolver by using our guide.

Sons Of The Forest Pistol

Screenshot by PC Invasion


Onto the one of the absolute best weapons in Sons of the Forest now, and yeah, the shotgun is very good. Come the endgame, you’re going to be using this thing more than anything else. It’s that good. Most enemies go down in one or two hits, and the actual weapon itself is incredibly fun to use. Ammo shouldn’t be an issue either, with how the game respawns items when you reload it, which is a blessing for a weapon this fun to use. You can find the shotgun by following our guide.

Shotgun in-game

Screenshot by PC Invasion


The last entry to this list is the crossbow, which is arguably better than every other bow-type weapon in the game for one reason: it has an iron sight. This makes aiming the crossbow a lot easier than aiming every other bow-type weapon, which don’t offer anything like a crosshair.

An argument can be made that the compound bow is better. Both are good weapons, but for the iron sight, the crossbow gets the mention. And, unlike with a bow, you can use the crossbow paired with a flashlight for cave fights. You can find both of these weapons using our guides.

Crossbow in-game

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Sons of the Forest is available on Steam.

Jack Salter
About The Author
Jack has been a Contributing Writer for PC Invasion since January 2023. He is an avid enjoyer of the medium of video games, particularly JRPGs and platformers, but mostly anything he thinks looks cool. When he's not talking about Trails, Xenoblade, Pokémon, or Zelda, he enjoys spending his time watching anime that usually involve either mechs, music, or anything with great emotional character writing, like Gundam, Love Live, and Kaguya-sama: Love is War. He also enjoys listening to music of most genres and types, and is always on the search for media that combines his love for music with other mediums and genres, like Symphogear. Jack is also trying (and failing) to finish his ever-growing backlog.