
Sons of the Forest: How many players can join in co-op mode? – Limit explained

how to trade in sons of the forest featured

Sons of the Forest launched in early access with its multiplayer component ready and raring. Fans of the original game won’t have to wait before they and their friends can get to conquering the cannibal-infested island with sticks, stones, and all of the new toys the sequel has to offer. Here’s everything players need to know about the multiplayer mode of Sons of the Forest, how many players can join in co-op, and if there’s a limit.

How many players can join Sons of the Forest in multiplayer co-op mode, and is there a limit?

The Sons of the Forest co-op limit is two to eight players per server in multiplayer mode, which is the same as its predecessor. This can be adjusted at the main menu by whoever decides to host a session for their friends. As of the early access release version, the game does not give players the option to create dedicated servers. However, this might become available in future updates granted that the prequel eventually got its own hosting tools.

Sons Of The Forest Mp Menu

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Should Sons of the Forest get dedicated server capabilities, then you can expect the maximum player cap to go well beyond eight. For now, it’s only a matter of waiting for that update to come. The game appears to have a 14-day update cycle, though this might change depending on the developers.

How does co-op work?

Sons Of The Forest Npc Kelvin

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Players can drop in and out of multiplayer sessions freely, assuming that the host doesn’t leave the game. Up to eight people can try to survive in the forest at any given time, but there is no minimum number of players required to start a game.

Apart from each other, players can also rely on friendly NPCs. They’ll lug around lumber, collect resources, and all sorts of other useful things to keep the game from becoming tedious. Those who want a more traditional experience can opt to disable an NPC permanently by shooting them in the back of the head.

Any progress made during a session will be saved on the host’s side. This includes world states and any bases built on the island. Player inventories will not carry over to other servers hosted by other players.

Marc Santos
About The Author
Marc has been covering news and writing guides for games since 2020. If he isn't playing a story-driven RPG or teaching new players how to raid in Destiny 2, then he's probably lost in some open-world survival crafting game he got from Steam.