
Will Sons of The Forest be on GeForce Now? – Answered

will Sons Of The Forest be on GeForce Now Bow And Arrow featured

Sons of the Forest just came out on Early Access, and it has proven popular enough to overwhelm Steam’s servers. This means that not everyone can play the game right now, but those who have generally gave it high praise so far. And considering that Sons of the Forest has plenty of graphical prowess backing it up, those players will definitely want to experience it on the highest settings they can afford. The GeForce Now cloud service could serve as a potentially great option for these players. It allows even those with relatively low-end PCs to play games on Steam or other digital stores at high settings through one of three subscription options. Although this may sound good, you may wonder if GeForce Now even supports Sons of the Forest.

Fortunately, players can absolutely try out Sons of the Forest on the GeForce Now service. In fact, Nvidia revealed today that Sons of the Forest came to the service alongside five other games. Those five titles include Atomic HeartBlood Bowl 3Ember KnightsCartel Tycoon, and Chef Life: A Restaurant Simulator.

A major push by Microsoft

According to Nvidia, these games arrived as part of a 10-year deal signed with Microsoft that will make several Xbox games available on GeForce Now. This echoes a similar 10-year agreement signed between Microsoft and Nintendo that will allow the latter company’s systems to receive Xbox titles. Both of these deals make it quite evident that Microsoft is serious about making its library more widely available.

So if you decide to give one of GeForce Now’s subscription options a try, you can test Sons of the Forest on the service and see what you think. Of course, if you can’t purchase Sons of the Forest at the moment due to server issues, then it may take a bit before you can do this.

Sons Of The Forest GeForce Now Helicopter Skull

Image via Newnight

Daniel Pinheiro
About The Author
Daniel is a Contributing Writer who has been with PC Invasion since June 2021. A recipient of a master's degree in Community Journalism from the University of Alabama, he holds a deep passion for the gaming medium and the impact it can have on our lives. He is open to all kinds of genres, but has a particular affinity for platformers and beat 'em ups (or brawlers, or hack and slash, or character action, or whatever else you prefer to call them). In his spare time, he loves playing franchises like Mario, Kirby, Zelda, Tekken, and Devil May Cry. He also loves to travel and listen to multiple hours-long video essays back-to-back.