
How to get action figure collectible in Irkalla Complex – Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Irkalla Complex Action Figure Location

The Irkalla Complex action figure in Destiny 2 is one of the trickier collectibles to find in Neomuna. Unlike the action figure located in Ahimsa Park, it’s not just tucked away in a corner. You actually have to solve a short puzzle to locate it. But we’ll go over all the steps you need to take to find this sneaky collectible.

Destiny 2: Lightfall – Where to find the action figure located in Irkalla Complex

The first thing you’ll need to do before hunting down the Irkalla Complex action figure is beat the Destiny 2: Lightfall campaign. This unlocks a door that is used to access the Ikalla Complex, where the action figure is located. So make sure that’s all finished up before you go hunting for the figure. Once that’s done, head to the Zephyr Concourse and leave the area via the west exit. Follow the path ahead and keep going through the orange corridor. There you’ll find the door that should be unlocked if you beat the campaign.

Irkalla Complex Locked Door

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Solving the Irkalla Complex puzzle

Once you’ve gone through the next few rooms and jumped across a few platforms, you’ll find an orange portal. Jump through it to get to the Irkalla Complex in Destiny 2: Lightfall, and the action figure hunt begins. From here you’ll want to proceed forward and get past the perimeter wall. Then look to your left and use the boxes to climb onto the wall.

Irkalla Complex Perimeter Wall

Screenshot by PC Invasion

The next step is a bit strange. Along the wall you’ll find three cannons. You have to climb onto each one, stand at the end, and aim your gun in the direction the cannon is pointing. You’ll then see a very small black shape appear. Shoot it and repeat this for the other two cannons.

Irkalla Complex Shootable Object 1

To get the Irkalla Complex action figure in Destiny 2: Lightfall, you need to complete this puzzle. Screenshot by PC Invasion

Once you’ve done this for each of the cannons, the Irkalla Complex action figure will appear at your feet at the end of the cannon. It’s a strange little puzzle, but once you figure it out it doesn’t take too long to finish it. All that’s left to do now to progress the ‘They’re Not Dolls’ Triumph is to take it back to the room beneath Strider’s Gate.

Irkalla Complex Action Figure Placement

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Here are our guides for the other action figures found in Destiny 2:

There’s plenty more in to check out in Destiny 2: Lightfall. So make sure you’re caught up on everything regarding the Power level cap and the new Guardian Ranks system.

Sam Robins
About The Author
Sam has been a Contributing Writer for PC Invasion since November 2021. After escaping university with a Master’s degree in Media and Communication, he decided to take up the mantle of writing. From covering the news to crafting guides, he'll take any chance to pick apart whatever he's currently playing. Sam spends most of his time delving into JRPGs and horror games. When he isn't obsessing over the intricacies of Kingdom Hearts he's diving headfirst into the world of tech. Keeping an eye out for the next big purchase that's sure to upset his wallet.