
How to find the action figure in Ahimsa Park – Destiny 2: Lightfall

Destiny 2 How To Find Ahimsa Park Action Figure

There are a bunch of things to see and do on Neomuna in Destiny 2: Lightfall. And one of the wackier triumphs involves searching Neptune for action figures. There are nine to find in total, and they’re all hidden in sneaky places. But with a little guidance, you should have no trouble tracking them all down. For now, let’s go over how you can find the Ahimsa Park action figure in Destiny 2: Lightfall.

Destiny 2: Lightfall – Where to find the action figure location in Ahimsa Park

First up, you’ll want to head over to Ahimsa Park. Specifically, you want to get to the location marked on the map below. You should be inside the large building in the center of the area. It’s the one that’s accessible via the small tunnel located nearby.

Ahimsa Park Action Figure Map Location

Screenshot by PC Invasion

From here, you should be in a big room with a lot of enemies. To make things easier, you should probably deal with a few of them now so they won’t get in the way. Once that’s done, look over to the nearby staircase. The action figure that we’re looking for is actually located underneath.

Action Figure Location Underneath Stairs

Screenshot by PC Invasion.

Once you get underneath the staircase, the Ahimsa Park action figure will be pretty hard to miss. Just walk over to it and grab it. But before you can make progress in the triumph, there’s one more thing that you need to do. Head back over to Strider’s Gate and head down to the building below that’s just to the left. Inside you’ll find some nice-looking rooms. And up ahead there’ll be a table where you can place the action figure.

Action Figure Placement

Screenshot by PC Invasion.

Once you’ve set the action figure down you’ll make progress toward completing the ‘They’re Not Dolls’ Triumph. And that’s how you find the Ahimsa Park action figure in Destiny 2: Lightfall. It’s in a pretty sneaky spot, but the search isn’t so bad when you’ve got some help.

Here are our guides for the other action figures found in Destiny 2:

If you want to see how far you’ve gone in the Triumph, you can check the Journey page in the menu. This is also where you’ll find Guardian Ranks, a new way to measure progress in Destiny 2: Lightfall.

Sam Robins
About The Author
Sam has been a Contributing Writer for PC Invasion since November 2021. After escaping university with a Master’s degree in Media and Communication, he decided to take up the mantle of writing. From covering the news to crafting guides, he'll take any chance to pick apart whatever he's currently playing. Sam spends most of his time delving into JRPGs and horror games. When he isn't obsessing over the intricacies of Kingdom Hearts he's diving headfirst into the world of tech. Keeping an eye out for the next big purchase that's sure to upset his wallet.