
How to complete Gone Phishing in Warzone 2 DMZ

How To Complete Gone Phishing In Warzone 2 Dmz Featured Image(1)
Screenshot via Activison

Season 4 of Warzone 2 DMZ is a heavy one. Along with a new map in the form of Vondel, you’ll be hit with new faction missions from the Phalanx group. Most of these missions are simple, but you may have difficulty completing them because of how DMZ plays. The Gone Phishing mission is a lot like that; easy to do, but you’ll need to be fast. If you want to know to complete the Gone Phishing mission in Warzone 2 DMZ  quickly, consider reading this guide.

Warzone 2: How to complete Gone Phishing in DMZ

This mission is part of the new Phalanx Faction mission set and can only be done on the new Vondel map. You’ll need to find three other contracts in one match using phones via the Signals Intelligence Contract. Here’s a quick glance at what to do:

  • While playing on Vondel, look for marked phones
  • Use the phone to obtain the Signals Intelligence Contract
  • Locate and Hack all three marked contracts

The first thing to do is to play on Vondel, and then look for phones. However, these are specific phones and will be labeled as such. They will have a certain marking on them; the image below should give you an indicator of what they look like.

Phishing Contract Highlighted(1)

Screenshot via PC Invasion

Once you’ve found and used the phone, you’ll get pings for the other contracts around you. This just means you’ve got the Signals Intelligence Contract.

After, make your way to any three contracts that are marked, and hack them. When you’ve done all three, the contract will be complete.

Note that there are a few heavily armed bots around these points. Try arming yourself up with a build that includes weapons like the new Tempest Razorback. This should stop them from advancing on you.

Completing this mission could be just as rewarding as finding the Castle Detonator in Vondel. So, it may be in your best interests to look for these items.

The rewards of Gone Phishing

Upon completing the mission, you’ll get around 7,500 XP, and a new weapon called SP-R 208. This bolt-action rifle is deadly and can make both Warzone 2 and DMZ a walk in the park.

Additionally, you’ll also earn money over time, however, this seems to only happen during the match you’re in.

Raza Malik
About The Author
Raza is a Contributing Writer who's been at PC Invasion since March 2023. After he earned his Media Arts degree at Niagara College, he went on to grow his portfolio by working at such publications as GameRant. While he plays a wide array of different types of games, Raza enjoys discussing open-world games, shooters, and live service games. Some of his favorite series include Assassin's Creed, God of War, and the Diablo series. On the side, he enjoys editing videos, and creating content for his side project Marching Into Madness.